Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Algorithum March- Naruto Style!

Do you know the Algorithum March? Well, if you do, check this out! Algorithum March, Naruto style! It is done by the same people who did the Akatsuki: The Musical. Here's what I mean:
Kisame - Asuma
Deidara - Sexy No Jutsu Kankurou
Orochimaru - Orochimaru
Haku - Not in Akatsuki the Musical
Kakuzu - Kakuzu
Sasori - Gaara
Hidan - Yondaime
Tobi - Shikamaru
And now the lyrics to the stupid but funny song!

First you hold chidori in your hand
Then you make the enemy look bad
Then you blow a sexy kiss kiss
And you make your dynamic entrance
Sneak behind and use a ninja cheat
Use your blood for the summoning technique
With a clone to make the chakra spin spin
This rasengan will make sure we win win
When, oh when, will it ever end?....
And we're done!

Sang by the people who cosplayed Deidara(SnJ Kankuro) and Orochimaru.

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