Friday, August 7, 2009


I friggin love pepper, mint, black pepper, chocolate mint, ice mint, mint gum etc. And peppermint!!!!!!!!!! I also love CAFFIENE!!! I think I'm high on caffiene right now, or maybe I'm just bored to enthusiaism. Caffiene and mints ROCK!! So does Campbell Mushroom, Chicken, Mushroom & Chicken... SOUP!!! Coca Cola ROCKS HARD TOO!!!!! My favorite soft drink would basically be Pepsi or Cola... but what the heck, I love them both! HIGH ON COLA RIGHT NOW!!!!! To anyone from my Primary school who thinks I'm crazy then, look at me NOW!!! I'm crazier than a experiment 626(Stitch) on caffiene!!! Tired yet enthusiastic, weird combination, but who the hell cares?! I LOVE COFFEE!!!! AND OTHER STUFF!!! BUT I STILL HATE LOTS OF THINGS!!! BLAH!!!! Who are you? I don't care, so goodbye!!!! Ouh and a... HAPPY 44TH BIRTHDAY, SINGAPORE!!!!

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