Tuesday, October 6, 2009

OMFG!!!!! Humanoid release!

Hallo! Oh my god! Tokio Hotel's latest album, Humanoid, has just been released today(6th October '09)! WORLDWIDE!!! Not Singapore, though, I read an article saying the the Singapore Street Team has just confirmed that Humanoid will be released in Singapore 13th October 2009! They don't know which version though, there's Deluxe Version, German Version, Normal Version and special Version. That's only 5 days(from now, 6th October '09) till Humanoid is released in Singapore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(etc.)(What? I'm over-ly excited.) After exams, I will definitely go to any shopping mall that I can go to(most likely West Mall), to go to music stores to get myself a Humanoid Deluxe version album! It's a promise I hope to keep. Oh, and Europe Music Awards '09 is on 5th November, not 6th. Please do not disturb me 'cause I got exams.

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